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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

In the name of decorum

Just a few of the things we are all forced to do in our lives ……………… in the name of decorum!

Love and marriage
1.  Listen to career and family details of a bride or groom someone in your circle has finally found.
2.  Look interested when the upcoming nuptials are described in glorious elaboration that seems to last three days (as will the ceremonies!)!
3.  Show up at weddings where the only person you know, of the 1000 plus people present, is the one getting married!
4.  Wade through pages of photos on Facebook / Picasa because you were sent the link “for your comments.”
5.  Show up with a bouquet of flowers because you were not really sure if the couple expected gifts but you did not have the guts to show up emptry-handed.

Social life
1.  Agree to try out a new restaurant when dining out with friends because they say “so-and-so said it is good” although you do not trust that particular so-and-so’s culinary choices.
2.  Sit through monologues while a friend describes to his wife the “exotic” ingredients in each “main course” listed under “Continental” in a multi-cuisine restaurant.
3.  Accept sharing dishes you know you don’t fancy simply to get the drawn-out “order-placing” ceremony over and done with.
4.  Nod understandingly as an older relative recounts some disastrous experience in fine dining for the “n”th time: he is 82 after all!
5.  Persevere as boisterous and no-mannered offspring of other diners find that the 15-feet radius around your table is the ideal place in the entire room to play while their shameless parents enjoy their own meals in peace and quiet at the other end of the restaurant.

Death and Dying
1.  Not go to work the day an aged relative passes away.
2.  Show up at the funeral of a neighbour one barely knew when he was alive.
3.  Have a shocked expression on your face when you hear of someone you did not care about “passing on”!
4.  Remember the death anniversaries of a lot of people you do not remember.
5.  Change any part of your routine during the fifteen days of “pitru-pandhavda” because you want your ancestors to be at peace …..wherever they might be.

More of these and other anti-social thoughts as and when they happen !


  1. Oh i think you need a 'Facebook' subsection under the social category!
    1. Add a far off relative as facebook friend, who you have no idea was your relative!
    2. Sympathize a friend when he/she 'posts tothe public' a soggy comment about his/her dreadful life
    Oh many more!

  2. One of your best so far..simple,true and hillarious!

  3. this is hilarious and yet so very true!

  4. Good Stuff...
    Suffer in the name of Decorum!

  5. I have a new list to add to yours, with respect to student life abroad:

    - Politely attend Indian students reunion evening
    - Politely refrain from being the only girl with a glass of beer (something which never happens in Pune)
    - Try not to openly die a small death when realising that everyone else in the room (A) an engineer of some form or the other (B) unaware that the Anne Frank house and Van Gogh museum are in amsterdam, what they are, why they are important, despite being situated ten minutes away from where you are standing
    - Realise the only way to hide expression of shock and horror is to horrify the rest by pouring self not just a glass, but a mug of beer to survive the strain of making polite "Yes the food is a problem" conversation
    - Give up, mentally fantasize about telling the others that you will not go to find Indian food later with them as you'd rather go to a coffee-shop just to see their reactions
    - Do no such thing and instead politely agree to add everyone on Facebook and promise to attend all further reunions!

  6. Ulka, let's get together and write a book, publish it and become R I C H !

  7. Sunil, I really wonder if I can talk to you freely or send photos after reading all those hilarious and true stuffs. Enjoyed going through it.
