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Saturday, August 7, 2010

I wonder why ……………………………….. IV

Perplexing questions I have sometimes wondered about ……on Sundays and holidays only, of course!  In a series to appear on these pages as and when I give them voice!! Or keys on the keyboard!!!!

This afternoon I participated in a ceremony that is as old as human civilisation, or almost!  I was part of a group of people that sat a friend down and gave her a piece (or several) of our mind!  We were not pleased with her actions of late, we self-righteously proclaimed, and it was high time she “listened to us” and “made repairs”!

Which is all very well, right?  But did we, as thinking, sentient (and sensitive, for the most part) individuals, have the absolute right to voice our opinions thus ?  Did we have any authority to tell her how she should be behaving as she approaches her mid-forties ?  Did we have any justification for the rumours we had heard from wagging tongues during her crisis ?  Were we not trampling some portion of her inaleinable rights underfoot as we prescribed modes of behavior with benefit of authority arising from the fact that we had thought of these modes ?

Tough questions, all with no definite right / wrong, black / white sort of clear answer!

We care deeply for her, yes!
We are concerned for her well-being, certainly!
We want to see her flourish and be happy, without a shadow of a doubt!
We would hate to see her hurt in any way, of course!
We are her friends!  Damn right we are!!!
And that is what gave us the momentary power, the absolute unquestionable might to lend her our counsel, wise, unwise or indifferent as it may prove to be! 
And that is where our authority stems from, from the bonds of friendship and the deep commitment they bring!
And that is why we were relentless, we hounded her until she listened, wide-eyed, to our pronouncements and suggestions / ordinances!

Our friendship gave us the right to be a mite cruel, perhaps, but our intentions were honorable!

And it is that very same friendship that compelled her to listen, consider, and, we hope, change her ways!


  1. may everyone have friends like yours! honest and loving to the very core!

    i hope the friend in question is ok :)

    PS: at the end of it all, its only she who can decide...
