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Friday, August 5, 2016

A little catching up, bringing up to speed!

Recent weeks have been fertile!  Here is a collection of what I have written for various fora.

I  For the #55fiction page on Facebook:

103. Close to the fence where he stood, the race-track traced its oblong trajectory. The man moved away, satisfied. He would be unseen when he took photographs of the newest stallion as the animal was put through its practice sessions before the Annual derby his boss wanted to win before Parliament met for the monsoon session.

104. One day each week, the old lion suffered hunger pangs. He really missed his ambulatory buffet of delicacies that started to stream all over the vast space, on 6 days, gazing at the inmates, reading information on habitats, and since the past few years, taking photos of themselves with all the inmates as uncomprehending fellow-subjects.

105.  It had become a family quandary, much discussed. They were so different. She was clearly older, worn out. He was younger. With so much potential!
Desperately, every night, he clutched at her, held on tight; she comforted him, he said! And no-one really understood this strange bond between the young man and his grandmother’s shawl.

II For the #VeryShortStories page on Facebook:

32.       Finally, the day dawned bright and perfect! The ceremonies were to start at daybreak, the final blessing being given just a few minutes after the sun crossed the meridian. In the vast hall, guests and family milled around in complete disorder, which was to be expected at the large, society wedding. Conspicuous displays of wealth were everywhere as two prominent business dynasties were to be joined together in holy matrimony.  
            Taking advantage of the general hubbub, the bridegroom managed to steal away to the rear of the building. Dressed in fine silks, he stood huddled with his cronies, their tight circle could not, however, contain the lazy wreath of smoke that arose from the six cigarettes burning simultaneously. From above fell a folded sheet of paper, hitting the groom on the forehead.
            He looked up – in time to catch sight of his intended move swiftly away from the open window. Smiling, but touched to his core, he moved away from the group of friends and opened the paper. Swiftly, he scanned the few lines scrawled on the paper, and his face flushed uncontrollably!
“You left it too long, my darling, and soon it will be too late for us. I shall be the wife of another, and you will never be able to fulfil your promises to me.”
            Puzzled, the bridegroom turned back to stare at his friends. They stared back, puzzled. All, that is, except his best friend. That gentleman alone looked fiercely at his own feet. He too, had seen the bride dart away from the window above after throwing down the missive that hit the wrong forehead! (273 words)

33 (sequel to 32)
            There was a hush – the embarrassed best friend slowly turned to leave, others stared in complete incomprehension. Moving swiftly, the bridegroom found his cousin, requested her to take a message to the bride as she prepared herself for the ceremony. The unusual request might have raised eyebrows older than the cousin’s, but she was a modern girl with an independent mind!
            Three more co-conspirators were pressed into service as look-outs and guards and the confabulations began in a room on the second floor.
            The bride had no defence whatsoever, other than that she was too scared of her father to state her own preference. The best friend, scion of another respected business dynasty, admitted he did not dare bring up the topic of any matrimonial alliances until he “settled” into his role of CEO in the family firm.
            The bridegroom, armed with a degree in Finance from a top-drawer Business School, was perhaps the best qualified of his group of friends. He was, in all senses of the word, “a catch!” But this latest crease in his perfect wedding day had messed up his carefully coiffed hair in more ways than one!
            The bride sobbed, the best friend was petulant, the groom looked sombre.
            The Summit gathered momentum and gravity as three foolish humans faced their first truly adult decision!
            In the end, appearances won hands down!
            The wedding went on as planned.
            The best friend continued his affair with the bride, her lawfully wedded husband was their cover!
            The best friend was the perfect cover for his best friend’s affair with his gym instructor.
            The MBA textbooks had described this as a “win-win situation!” (275 words)

34        --“I have something to tell you,” she started timidly.
            --A grunt, in response.  It meant she had his permission. And his attention.
            --“You know, she started gingerly, we have not exactly been happy with each other for the past few months …” she could feel his jaw clench, his eyes narrow.
            --“ . . . and so I was wondering if . . . we could perhaps talk about it …calmly!”
            --She said the last words in a rush, flinching as if to stave off a blow she anticipated across her cheek from his strong palm.
            Today, however, no blow came!
            She drew strength from this, and continued.
            Tersely, dryly, she outlined the numerous complaints she had collected over the past six years, day in, day out.
            She expressed her anguish, her torment, her low points and her fears! Each with the corresponding action (or lack thereof) from his part.
            It turned out to be a long speech – almost 40 minutes altogether. Six years of practice had, after all, made her word perfect!
            Sighing at the end of her tirade, she sat still for a moment. Then she turned off the recording equipment she had borrowed from a cousin.
            She waited for the DVD to slide out of its sleeve on the computer, then wrote his name on it with a red marker.

            Leaving the DVD on the desk, she turned, picked up her purse and walked to her loaded car, slamming the door shut behind her with a sharp, satisfied bang.

And this morning, I was especially inspired to write free verse!

6 August 2016

There it stood.
Plainly in sight,
Coming closer with every passing minute.
Looming larger as I moved along
My destined trajectory.
Steadily I stared at it
Willing myself to dare
Telling myself I must
Reminding myself of the past!

A shudder went through my being
Resolve steeled itself
I found untold strength
And I pushed firmly!

The door opened so very easily
To my better tomorrows.

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