How Time flies when you are living your life !
Recently, a casual conversation with some youngsters interested in languages brought up the topic of blogging. I was asked if I have set up a blog, and that’s when I remembered : I did set one up! I set up this blog in June last year and wrote on it sporadically while it was a novelty.
Those who know me well are likely to shake their heads knowingly and mutter « how typical of Sunil ! He never follows through . »
Those who work with me will not be at all surprised, and those who have stood by me for years will feel righteously indignant all over again !
I, for one, am shaking my head in amazement at how time has flown by ! The last entry on this blog is from November 2010, a long time ago !
What have I been doing for all these months ? Has nothing really inspired me to turn to my trusty keyboard and hammer out a « piece » ?
Well, I was busy living, you see, and did not have the leisure to sit and ruminate on Life. I did not find anything so earth shaking that I wanted to write about it.
Momentous events have taken place around me. I admit they have. But the nitty-gritty of living just saps all your energy sometimes and you neglect activities you started with élan and enthusiasm !
I can only resolve yet again to be more regular at blogging, at eating on time, at eating healthy food, at finishing work on time, …………………………………………………………………………………..