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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I wonder why …………….. V

Perplexing questions I have sometimes wondered about……on Sundays and holidays only, of course!  In a series to appear on these pages as and when I give them voice!!  Or keys on the keyboard!!!!
Why, o why was staying at home on the weekend a sure sign of nerdiness ?
Why, o why was it cool …………… to insist on going out every Friday night because it was the done thing to do ?
Why, o why was it cool …………… to be “seen” on the town as often as possible ?
Why, o why did people co-ordinate outfits when they were out “partying” ?
Why, o why was it cool …………… to get disgustingly drunk every weekend without fail ?
Why, o why was it chic not to understand “difficult” words in Marathi and insist on an explanation in English ?
Why, o why was it “cool” to be more familiar with cities outside India than with major cities in the country ?
Why, o why was it more “hep” to have cousins visiting from “phoren” than from places far nearer ?

How we have changed as years have gone by !  This is what my grand-mother called “growing up”, I think !

Saturday, November 6, 2010

In the name of decorum ………….. part 2

Just a few of the things we are all forced to do in our lives ……………… in the name of decorum!
1.  Wade through masses of “sms” messages received from unknown numbers showering the Season’s best wishes on your person!
2.  Listen attentively as neighbours elaborate their plans for consipicuous spending.
3.  Wince repeatedly as the brats infesting your neighborhood burn up more money than you earn bursting crackers as their parents wax eloquent about the damaged environment !
4.  Munch your way through masses of bought out Diwali “pharal” as you remember the chaklis various “maushis” spoilt you with down the years!
5.  Endure hordes of hungry, starved people at Roopali at 7 a m just because the “Diwali Pahat” shindig finished at 6.50 a m somewhere in the Deccan area.