Perplexing questions I have sometimes wondered about……on Sundays and holidays only, of course! In a series to appear on these pages as and when I give them voice!! Or keys on the keyboard!!!!
Why, o why was staying at home on the weekend a sure sign of nerdiness ?
Why, o why was it cool …………… to insist on going out every Friday night because it was the done thing to do ?
Why, o why was it cool …………… to be “seen” on the town as often as possible ?
Why, o why did people co-ordinate outfits when they were out “partying” ?
Why, o why was it cool …………… to get disgustingly drunk every weekend without fail ?
Why, o why was it chic not to understand “difficult” words in Marathi and insist on an explanation in English ?
Why, o why was it “cool” to be more familiar with cities outside India than with major cities in the country ?
Why, o why was it more “hep” to have cousins visiting from “phoren” than from places far nearer ?
How we have changed as years have gone by ! This is what my grand-mother called “growing up”, I think !